On Fri, Feb 11, 2011 at 10:43:38PM +0900, Norbert Preining wrote:
> On Fr, 11 Feb 2011, Roger Leigh wrote:
> > Um, no need to be rude. 
> Well, you started with "throw TeX into the bin!" (cum grano salis)
> The only possible answer to that is mine. Or shutting up and ignoring
> that kind of rants from your side.

Please read what I said carefully, rather than imagined slights.
I did not at any point state that TeX should be thrown in the bin;
that was with regard to "broken terminal emulators, editors and
tools".  I fully believe we should remove obsolete tools which have
superior replacements.  I did not include TeX in that category.

> > > You have apparently no idea between input and font encoding.
> > 
> > I only mentioned UTF-8 with regard to input, so you are assuming
> > too much.
> You mentioned *fontconfig* which is font encoding, and has nothing
> whatsoever to do with inputenc. I don't assume too much.

No, I mentioned fontconfig because XeTeX allows use of system fonts
via fontconfig.  That was completely separate from UTF-8 input.

> > > > sorts out the awful font support, so you can use standard
> > > > freetype-registered fonts, again without the pain.  Result: a
> > > > document you can actually read in the editor!
> > > 
> > 
> > What you are calling "rubbish" is not in any way false.  It's given
> It *IS* wrong.
> You are stating that "using freetype-registered fonts makes a document
> readable by the editor". Sorry this is rediculous.
> - different fonts might register themselves under different names 
>   to fontconfig
> - fonts might not be available her or there and migh tnot be embedded
>   in the pdf


> I repeat: RUBBISH.

I didn't state any of those things.  Please calm down, and please
read what I actually wrote, rather than what you thought I wrote.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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