On Wed, 2 Mar 2011 09:41:00 -0500, Scott Kitterman <deb...@kitterman.com> wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 02, 2011 04:53:46 am Emilio Pozuelo Monfort wrote:

> > If you have non-free enabled and install a package from main, it should
> > install the dependencies from main. So you should have e.g. "rar |
> > rar-nonfree" instead of the other way round.
> Why?  If the user has made the choice to use non-free and the maintainer 
> concludes that's a more technically capable solution for users that choose to 
> use it, why should the project raise barriers to that choice?

To me, this particualar case is one where we should definitely not be
choosing a non-free version by default, as using the non-free version
actually puts a financial burden on the user.  Just becaause the user
decided that he wants to enable non-free so he can install sun-java6,
doesn't mean we should assume he is willing to buy a license for rar.

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