On Mon, 28, Mar, 2011 at 11:54:29AM +0200, Stefano Zacchiroli spoke thus..
> Related to this, in your agendas you did mention the topic of "throwaway
> DD built .debs". I understand from the minutes that no specific hacking
> on that has been done (understandably given how much other stuff has
> been going on!), but have you advanced on the design of that? I believe
> it's a very important technical advancement we need to guarantee all
> packages are built equally. Do you have any other news to share about
> that?

Ok, the situation here is the following:

The technical point of view is that source-only uploads are trivially
turned on.  Indeed, it's actually possible (as quite a few people know)
to upload only src+all debs now but not src only if your package doesn't
provide an all deb.  That's a bit of a discrepancy.  As for throwing
away non-all debs, the infrastructure is there, it just needs a
relatively small amount of code to make it happen (it's a config
setting which at the moment just causes a reject with the message "This
code still to be written".

The main decision which needs to be made is whether, as a project, we
want source only uploads or to throw away DD built non-all debs.
There's not entire agreement amongst the ftpmasters about this (I err on
the side of the source-only uploads to avoid making people waste time
and bandwidth but that's not the only opinion).  One objection to
source-only is the perception that people will throw untested things at
the buildds and see what sticks.  That strikes me as a social problem,
but as a project we probably want to think how to handle it.

Once a decision is made, implementation is easy, but I'd like some form
of consensus before we go down that route.

Oh, and at the moment we'd still need .all debs uploaded and kept,
although as was said in the minutes, Phil Kern was looking into that and
some backend work in dak and dpkg was done to help with it.



Mark Hymers <mhy at debian dot org>

"I never make predictions.  I never have and I never will."
     Tony Blair

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