reassign 620957 wnpp
retitle 620957 RFP: frandom: kernel module for generating PRNG data

On 05-Apr-2011, Ruben wrote:

> I would like to see Frandom in the Debian repositories. Frandom is a
> kernel module for pseudo-random data generation, much as random and
> urandom, but works incredibly fast.

Thank you for your request, and for a brief description of the
package. The correct procedure for such requests is a “Request For
Package” (RFP), assigned against the ‘wnpp’ pseudo-package.

The next step is to interest someone (maybe you?) to become the
maintainer for that package in Debian, and to do the work of getting
it packaged and accepted.

I have changed this report accordingly. Thank you for your interest in
improving Debian.

 \     “It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use |
  `\                                         it well.” —Rene Descartes |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <>

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