Am Mittwoch, den 06.04.2011, 12:06 +0200 schrieb Evgeni Golov:
> Hi -devel!
> We (lindi, liw and me) had just a short discussion in #-devel, that it
> would be nice to have some sort of Vcs-Upstream-* in debian/control, to
> be able to get to upstreams vcs history if it is not imported in
> debian's vcs (which is often the case when using svn-bp or git-bf with
> import-orig). [background: lindi is doing some git-copyright checks and
> it fails heavily if there is no upstream history as the debian
> maintainer is asumed to be the copyright holder for everything]
> My suggestion would even go further (attention, I have NO idea how
> debian/control is parsed and how much work the following would be):
> Let's make that Vcs-<Vendor> with <Vendor> (like in DEP3) Debian,
> Upstream, Ubuntu, Whoever-else-uses-the-packaging.
> Opinions?

I like this idea.

There should be a Vcs-Debian-* too and used in most cases. A package
should use Vcs-Debian-* if the vcs is only used in Debian. A package
could use Vcs-* if the vcs is used in derived distros too.

What should we do if we have multiple upstream VCSes? For exapmle,
Eclipse has Eclipse and eclipse-build as upstream.

Benjamin Drung
Debian & Ubuntu Developer

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