Raphael Hertzog <hert...@debian.org> writes:

> Hello,
> from time to time I hear some rumblings about how "3.0 (quilt)" mixes
> badly with VCS. Indeed, one of the primary goals of the format
> was to not require prior knowledge of the patch system to be able to
> modify a package. And it's the case since you can do:
> - dpkg-source -x
> - modify files
> - debuild
> But there are a few downsides:
> Auto-application of patches
> ---------------------------
> Since dpkg-source -x auto-applies the patch, the build part was
> designed with the assumption that patches are pre-applied and this
> assumption is often wrong for people using VCS. I have resolved this
> by auto-applying the patch at the start of a build but (some) users of VCS
> have been annoyed with it because it left the VCS unclean after the
> build. The option --unapply-patches has been added as a way to change
> the behaviour (and you can put it debian/source/local-options).

I really like that patches are applied by dpkg-source -x by default and
I hope you will keep it that way. If one finds a buggy package and wants
to check the source it is enough to apt-get source the package and load
the files into an editor to see what the actualy code is.

If patches weren't applied then you would first have to find out how to
apply them, just like with the myriad of patch systems in 1.0 format.

> I would like to improve this situation and not force the majority of
> people to add the unapply-patches option (if it turns out the majority
> of people use this option or are annoyed by the patches being applied).
> I see 2 ways to solve this:
> a/ detect the common VCS and make --unapply-patches the default in that
>    case (but it would require a --no-unapply-patches for the people who
>    keep the patches applied in their VCS)

The problem isn't that people use a VCS but that their workflow is based
on not having patches applied. There is also another group of people
that work with patches applied. Specifically when you have feature
branches and those branches merged into master. In that workflow you can
even exclude debian/patches/ from the VCS and generate it from the

I don't think you can automatically detect the workflow being used so
this option is a no-go.

> b/ modify dpkg-source --before-build to keep a trace of the fact that
>    it applied the patches (for example by creating
>    .pc/dpkg-source-auto-applied) and in that case have dpkg-source
>    --after-build unapply the patches so that we're back to a clean
>    state after a succesful build.
>    If the build fails, we'd keep the patches applied.
> My preference goes to b/ because it doesn't require changes for people
> who like to keep the patches applied in their VCS too. And it's the
> principle of least surprise, you keep the same state afer a build than
> you had before the build (so it's still ok for people who rely
> on the scenario unpack/hack/rebuild).
> Comments? Does this look reasonable?

I would go one step further. Instead of recording wether you apply
patches or not record what patch the source is on before build. One
might be working on a patch halfway down the patch queue, run quilt
refresh, debuild -b -nc. That should return the working dir to the patch
it was before the build.

> Automatic patches
> -----------------
> Again to cope with the scenario explained at the start of this mail,
> once a user has made modifications we must ensure that they end up in a
> proper patch in debian/patches/. Right now this is entirely automatic,
> the generated patches take the form of
> debian/patches/debian-changes-<ver>.
> Obviously this is a pretty poor name for a patch and given it's
> automatically generated, it doesn't contain much useful description.
> In general they are renamed by the maintainer who also adds a
> description (or they are properly put in place before the build so that
> dpkg-source doesn't have to create it).
> But it still happens that those patches are generated[1] when the maintainer
> did not expect any change at all. That's why we added the option
> --abort-on-upstream-changes for maintainers who never wants dpkg-source
> to auto-create a patch.
> I wonder if I should not make this option the default and fail with an
> error messages suggesting that the maintainer should run "dpkg-source
> --record-changes" if he really wants to keep the current changes. It
> would also leave the diff around somewhere in $TMPDIR if the user wants
> to review it.
> It would break the initial scenario but since the solution is given in the
> error message, I believe it would be acceptable.
> "dpkg-source --record-changes <patch-name>" would be an interactive command
> because you would be asked to fill the patch description header.

(In case you have a tty:) Instead of giving an error why not ask for the
patch name and abort on empty name?

> We still have the case of people who keep all their changes in the VCS
> without maintaining debian/patches/ and who uses --single-debian-patch.
> In that case, --abort-on-upstream-changes would not apply.
> What do you think of this? Do you have suggestions to improve this
> workflow?

I have a suggestion to improve the case where debian/patches/ is not
kept in the VCS but is generated from it (having a single debian patch
being a special case of this).

I actualy have a slightly hackish script for this case that avoids
unpacking the orig.tar, applying all the patches and diffing. This can
greatly speed up generating a source package. The VCS ensures that what
the source package contains will match the working dir (assuming
branches-to-patches does it work right).


set -ex

DIR="$(basename "$(pwd)")"
NAME=$(dpkg-parsechangelog | grep "^Source:" | cut -d" " -f2)
VERSION=$(dpkg-parsechangelog | grep "^Version:" | cut -d" " -f2)
FORMAT=$(dpkg-source --print-format .)

# Make sure we have 3.0 (quilt). No idea about 3.0 (git).
[ "$FORMAT" = "3.0 (quilt)" ] || { echo "Not a 3.0 (quilt) source."; exit 1; }

# Build debian/patches/*
# This creates a patch series from a series of branches by asking the
# VCS for a diff between them.
branches-to-patches debian/branches-to-patches.conf

# Build debian tarball
# This assumes you have a clean working dir, like when building with
# pdebuild in a chroot.
tar -czf "../${NAME}_${VERSION}.debian.tar.gz" debian

# Build dsc file
( cd .. && \
  dpkg-source --format="3.0 (custom)" --target-format="$FORMAT" -b "$DIR" 
"${NAME}_${UPSTREAM}.orig.tar."* "${NAME}_${VERSION}.debian.tar.gz" )

The important part here is that I use branches-to-patches to update
debian/patches/*. It would be nice if one could specify something in
debian/source/local-options to run a command when debian/patches/*
should be updated instead of (or prior to) the default of generating

This would be usefull for the case of having patches applied in master
and not having them applied. That just depends on what
branches-to-patches does to generate the patches.

You don't have to trust that whatever command is specified does a proper
job. You can still do the untar+patch+diff dance to make sure. This
could still default to --abort-on-upstream-changes since any change
means the branches-to-patches did not create something that matches the
current working directory. The argument for/against defaulting to
--abort-on-upstream-changes apply here too or even more so for it.

Note: I specifically said local-options. This should not end up in the
generated source package, only in a VCS checkout.

> Ideally, if desired, dpkg-source --record-changes could be automatically
> called in the build process but I'm wary of introducing something
> interactive in the package build process.

At least have an option one can set to get this behaviour. I hate
programs that quit with "do xyz" just so I have to copy&paste that

> Cheers,
> [1] http://lintian.debian.org/tags/format-3.0-but-debian-changes-patch.html


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