
My usage of debian a slightly changed during the last 6 months.

Im thus about to orphan some of my packages I no longer have any interest, and
willl ask from being removed from some "Uploaders" fields.

These packages are free for adoption:
- magicor
- mirage
- monster-masher
- moodle-debian-edu-theme
- planner
- qsynth
- slashem
- vym
- gftp
- efte
- argyll

Packages I co-maintain and I will ask for being removed as Uploaders
- lisaac
- moodle
- dvtm

My future work will be more focused on the usage of Debian as a server (Web,
DBs, Nagios, ....) and regarding perl packages.

I want to apologize for my quite silent Debian activity during the last 6
months; especially regarding my work as part of the perl team, FD member, AM and
admin of collab. 
I got lot of changes in my life like new job, new flat, ..., all of this in a
new country and everything is quite stabilized right now.

Take this announce as a "come back" with new motivation :)
Im incrementaly managing my time for getting back to a normal debian activity.

Xavier Oswald <xosw...@debian.org>
GNU/Linux Debian Developer - http://www.debian.org/
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