On Tue, 16 Dec 1997, Adrian Bridgett wrote:

>   /usr/X11R6/bin/pppload -i 2 -p 10


>   /usr/X11R6/bin/pppload $(tail -n +2 /etc/pppload)


>   /usr/X11R6/bin/pppload \
>     $(grep -v ^\# \
>       $(if [ -r ~/.pppload ]; then \
>         echo ~/.pppload; \
>       else \
>         echo /etc/pppload; \
>       fi))


I see a couple of problems with this.  First, "-i 2 -p 10" makes a bit of a
silly looking configuration file.  Secondly, placing any of the above
commands in your "menu" entry seems wrong to me -- if the user runs pppload
from the command line, he doesn't get the same settings as starting it from
the menu!

Best thing to do is rename /usr/X11R6/bin/pppload to, say, pppload.real and
make a shell script containing the last command above with an added "$*"
parameter passed to pppload.real.  Actually, in the ideal case you would
parse a nicely-formatted configuration file (with real words) into the
desired options, so you could have lines like
        interval 2
and so on.

You could do this with perl, awk, or if you're truly sick, even sed:

        cat configfile                  \
                | sed 's/#.*$//'        \
                | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'    \
                | sed s/interval/-i/g

Yikes.  Excuse me, now I'm even making myself crazy.


P.S. '#' comments should be allowed even if they aren't at the beginning of
        a line.

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