> I think it's an alternate to gnuchess, with a more friendly layout. It's
> a ncurses with a real board displayed on the screen. With gnuchess, I've
> just tried, it seems everything is in pure commandline. So the format is
> a bit different.
Well gnuchess is mostly supposed to be used as a backend for graphical chess 
programs such as knights or xboard.

So i was wondering if this package could be used too as a backend for already 
existing chess GUIs that are already in debian.

Check out this page please: 

Personally i don't like the idea of a chess engine that uses it's own private 
protocol rather than a well known one, so that both parts (engine and gui) 
could be used independently from each other, so perhaps you could confirm or 
deny wether it uses an already existing protocol or not?


Salvo Tomaselli

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