OK, after digesting the recent conversations about what needs to be
done for the various Debian emacsen (thanks everyone).  I've come to
the following conclusions:

There's a substantial amount of work to do to get this problem solved
properly: to allow simultaneous install of all flavors, to support the
auto-generation of .elc files when appropriate, and to allow elisp
files to be easily shared when appropriate.

Coming up with the right answer is going to require a conversation
with the various emacs and emacs package developers, a policy
proposal, and a (hopefully reasonably) brief revision process to be
followed by an implementation.

In the end, this is what I want to do, but it's going to take longer
than I'm willing to wait with respect to getting an initial emacs20
package out.

So, unless there's a good objection, I'm going to provide a short-term
solution before working on the larger problem.  I'm going to release
an emacs20 package that's similar to the existing emacs 19 package.
It won't coexist with xemacs any better than the current package, and
it probably won't move the relevant files to /usr/share.  Since it's
byte-file compatible with the current emacs 19 package it won't have
to conflict (I hope), so the install should be pretty painless.  This
will also keep me from biting off more than I can chew.  I can get
comfortable with the emacs build process and source, and make sure I
get all the bugs worked out before tackling the bigger issues.


Rob Browning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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