I'm preparing the new version of amaya.  (I believe it's ready except
for this one final detail.)

The version I'm releasing is amaya_1.1c-1, it is going into the "web"
section of hamm (main distribution).

I want it to be an upgrade path for the following:


Which are in non-free.

I need the following to happen:

1. If a user has "amaya-static" or "amaya", dselect should replace it
   with "amaya"

2. If the above is true, thot-common is installed; I want dselect to
   remove it (and not allow it at the same time as the new amaya).

3. The ftp site puts the new package in the correct location.

What exactly do I need to do to make this happen.  I'm thinking
something along the lines of:

Conflicts: thot-common
Replaces: amaya-static

in the amaya part of the control file, and

Section: web

at the top of the control file.

Will this do the trick?


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