also sprach Lars Wirzenius <> [2011.11.13.1204 +0100]:
> A fixed policy is going to interact badly with real systems and
> per-site decisions about, say, disk partitioning and provisioining
> of RAM for various purposes.
> The proper policy, IMHO, is that a) all software that uses temporary
> files should obey TMPDIR if set (and fall back on /tmp if not)
> and b) all software must deal with out-of-disk-space errors in a
> sensible way (where the exact details may depend on the software).

Fully agreed.

Please do not try to (ab)use policy to tell me how I have to
administer/manage my systems. Use policy to dictate how programs we
provide as part of The Debian System must behave.

I would welcome if TMPDIR-related bugs and bugs related to
temporary file handling would become release-critical.

I think it's great that Debian provides the flexibility to easily
make /tmp a tmpfs. However, I don't think that should be the
default (cf. RAMRUN, RAMLOCK).

 .''`.   martin f. krafft <madduck@d.o>      Related projects:
: :'  :  proud Debian developer     
`. `'`
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
people with narrow minds usually have broad tongues.

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