[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Santiago Vila)  wrote on 17.12.97 in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 17 Dec 1997, James Troup wrote:
> > Michael Alan Dorman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >
> > > This is part of an email exchange Sven and I had.  Simply put, I put
> > > in a new alpha binary of dpkg- that represented nothing but
> > > a recompile to pick up new libg++, ncurses, etc.  Sven suggested
> > > that this warranted a non-maintainer-release number, whereas I had
> > > gotten the idea that non-maintainer-releases suggested code changes.
> >
> > I hope Guy will reject that.  If the binary changes, the version
> > number should change.
> This is that way because our package system does not allow several binary
> packages for the same source package. But it should.

Huh?! If the binary changes, the version number should change. It doesn't  
matter _why_ the binary changed.

Several binary packages for the same source? What on earth has that to do  
with it?! Besides, how is it that the system doesn't allow it? I thought  
we had several of those. Stuff like, say, X.

> > Things break if you don't increase the version
> > number (e.g. automatic upgrade and bug reporting) and you don't have
> > to a source release to do a non-maintainer release, just add a new
> > entry to the changelog before you recompile.
> Again this is a limitation of our current source|binary packaging scheme.
> Does not mean it has to be that way.

Sounds to me like exactly the way it _should_ be.

> > What advantage do you see in *not* changing the version number?
> Changing the *source* version number would be a gratuitous change.

We're talking of the Debian release version, here. I don't understand why  
that bugs you; it seems the right thing to me.

> It would be really nice to have something like epochs for
> binary packages coming from the same source.
> i.e.
> hello_1.3-0 (compilation 0) is older than hello_1.3-0 (compilation 1)
> and dpkg will see the need to upgrade.

That would just needlessly confuse users. Gratuituous confusion is  
something we can do without, I think.

MfG Kai

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