On Dec 20, Manoj Srivastava wrote
> >>>>> "Bart" == Bart Schuller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Bart> Particularly if they happened to have a fully unpacked and
> Bart> configured kernel source tree in /usr/src/linux .
> Bart> * Poof *
>       No it does not! Would you please look at what the postinst
>  does before spreading FUD?

I'm sorry, I can't explain it, but that is exactly what happened to my
system. But you're perfectly right, looking at the postinst, it's
paranoid enough. So I'll just pretend it never happened :-)

Bart Schuller                  [EMAIL PROTECTED] At Lunalabs, where the
Lunatech Research              http://www.lunatech.com/  future is made today..
Partner of The Perl Institute  http://www.perl.org/    Linux http://www.li.org/

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