Thomas Goirand <> writes:

> On 12/22/2011 07:07 PM, Russell Coker wrote:
>> It seems to me that wanting to have / outside LVM but /usr inside LVM is a 
>> fairly obscure corner case.
> I have about 100 servers setup this way, and my laptops as well. I really
> don't see why this would be a corner case. Please understand that many
> different people have many different configuration, and that in today's
> Debian, *absolutely everything is allowed*, and never, ever, Debian said
> that one type of setup would one day be forbidden.
> Taking decisions that some setup are "not supported" would be a bad move
> whatever the partitioning we are talking about. Please don't do that,
> there's no reason why Debian would take such move.
> Thomas

The reason for such a setup is, historically, so that you could boot
without initramfs. A small / (including /boot) to boot from and start up
lvm before mounting /usr, /var and /home.

Prior to grub2, which can now boot from LVM directly, this was a verry
sensible setup.


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