>>>>> "joost" == joost witteveen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    joost> Uhm, there's a slight problem with ifeq($visable,
    joost> "false",...). If we assign booleans to the string variables
    joost> ($visable etc are essentially strings), then I'd prefer
    joost> them to by default to have the "0" value.

 I wonder if `guile' would be a better language to implement the menu
system with?  I've never even looked at it yet... so have not thought
about the problem at all from that perspective.  It might assist
placing a GUI around it all when `gnome' becomes more usable. (ie:

    >> Maybe if Joost isn't too busy, we'll see something similar in
    >> menu someday..

 There's so much to read, so much to do, so little time...  as we've
all experienced.

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