On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 02:47:54PM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> Can someone set the default to xz and recompile all of Debian or at
> least base and create a repository from that for install tests?

There's no need to recompile anything.  You can recompress existing packages
using the attached script.

“This is gonna be as easy as cheating on an ethics exam!”
    -Cerise Brightmoon
set -e

if [ $# -eq 0 ]
    cat >&2 <<END
Usage: $0 foo.deb [bar.deb ...]

If there's more than one package, almost always you'd want instead:
parallel $0 -- foo.deb bar.deb

Packages already using xz are blindly repacked anyway; this ensures they can
be decompressed using 10MB memory (as opposed to 65MB for xz -9), but is
otherwise a waste of time.
    exit 1

for F in "$@"
    [ -f "$F" ] || (echo >&2 "No such file: $F" && exit 1)
    rm -rf "$DIR"
    mkdir "$DIR"
    cd "$DIR"

    ar x "../$F" debian-binary control.tar.gz
    dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile "../$F"|xz >data.tar.xz
    rm "../$F"
    ar rcD "../$F" debian-binary control.tar.gz data.tar.xz

    cd ..
    rm -rf "$DIR"

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