On Mon, 3 Sep 2012 00:42:27 +0300
"Andrej N. Gritsenko" <and...@rep.kiev.ua> wrote:

>     Thank you very much for that detailed explanation. So you think if
> debian user reports the bug in upstream tracker I should send him back
> into debian BTS so debian will know that the bug really exists and
> bothers debian users? If I knew that earlier I would do so instead of
> fixing all those bugs. :)

No, I'm expecting some users to use upstream and some users to use
downstream - Debian. Having said that, it is useful if the two can work
together more, so there is an argument for filing the bug in both
places if the bug can be demonstrated in both.

>     And don't expect those bugs in BTS be closed after release, most of
> them were fixed in upstream this spring/summer so they will stay still
> Outstanding until release 1.0 will come into Wheezy somehow.

Not true. Bugs are closed in unstable, not stable.

>     The users raised that problem already in upstream bugtracker so as an
> upstream developer I test if the libfm/pcmanfm can be compiled and ran as
> expected with any currently supported distributions (that includes stable
> debian release, LTS ubuntu releases and other of the same age) so thank
> you for mentioning, I'm aware of it. So last three debian users who have
> submitted the bug reports to upstream was told to overwrite their files
> from debian squeeze by doing 'make install'.

When the Debian recommendation would have been to upgrade to a newer
package in testing or unstable. During a release freeze, that updated
package would be best in experimental.
> I thought there are few months before release yet. Am I wrong?

Yes, you are wrong.

The freeze happened over a month ago. The criteria are about the
freeze, not the eventual release. The release happens when the rest of
the frozen packages are in a suitable state and this myth that there is
always testing time between the freeze and the release is just that -
myth. All of this just *delays* the release because it is a
*distraction* from fixing the real problems which *are* delaying the
release - all the other frozen packages which do have release critical
bugs filed in Debian already. There is no sense in changing packages
which are not demonstrating release critical bugs in Debian during the
freeze - it just delays everyone else.

If more people stopped worrying about updating stuff which isn't broken
and actually fixed the stuff that IS broken, we'd be able to get from
freeze to release that much quicker and then the new stuff could go
back into unstable and thence into Jessie as normal.

Wheezy is frozen - packages without bugs in Wheezy will not get
updates, that's what a freeze means.


Neil Williams

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