On Fri, 9 Jan 1998, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:

> On Fri, 9 Jan 1998, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > On Fri, 9 Jan 1998, Lindsay Allen wrote:
> > > Still one problem.  /wg-15-locale/s//wg15-locale/
> > damn.  i thought i got that one this morning.
> > i wont bother posting the script again.  it's easy enough to fix.
> Could this script be uploaded to ftp.debian.org (Preferably in the tools
> directory) and updated every time someone make improvments to it?

good idea.  while we're at it, lets make subdirectories for the upgrades

        rex-to-bo/   (obsolete ???)

who's got write permission on the ftp site to do this? (i don't think i


craig sanders

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