Ho Carlo,

On 05.03.2013 07:42, Carlo Segre wrote:
> 1. made a file called segre-0001.dak-commands with the following contents
> Action: dm
> Fingerprint: 8CCC1BA8590FF029D17C708FC1BCD3C72AA28B6B
> Allow: nexus

You missed the header. While the "Uploader" field is optional (and also
used for the mail confirmation you're missing by the way), the "Archive"
field is not. Moreover, the blank newline dividing the header from the
data part is required.

That is, your command would be:

Archive: ftp.debian.org
Uploader: Carlo Segre <se...@iit.edu>

Action: dm
Fingerprint: 8CCC1BA8590FF029D17C708FC1BCD3C72AA28B6B
Allow: nexus

Note, you can also use dput-ng (available in unstable) to manage DM
permissions. The equivalent command would be:

dcut dm --uid "Tobias Stefan Richter" --allow nexus

with kind regards,
Arno Töll
IRC: daemonkeeper on Freenode/OFTC
GnuPG Key-ID: 0x9D80F36D

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