On Sun, 07 Apr 2013 16:19:15 +0200
Daniel Pocock <dan...@pocock.com.au> wrote:

> On 07/04/13 15:47, Neil Williams wrote:
> > It was only pushed to RC status by your request and then almost 
> > immediately moved back to original severity of Important by one of
> > the maintainers.
> > 
> > It is up to the maintainers to assign severity of bugs. Why have
> > you not asked the maintainers of their opinion of the severity?
> > 
> Because they already downgraded below the RC status, so I'm curious if
> other people have reason to believe there is a problem.

Incorrect. The original submitter filed the bug as Important. It wasn't
donwgraded prior to your upgrade.

The mere presence of the open bug report is sufficient to see if other
people have a similar problem. The only reason to escalate the issue to
debian-devel is because you're trying to overrule the maintainers.
> I have only come across a few systems with UUID in fstab, but if
> somebody else is aware of widespread use of this, now is probably the
> time to comment.

Google already knows about this bug, whatever the severity setting.

It is not only RC bugs which show up on searches.

"Visiblity" is no reason for severity ping-pong or escalation to -devel.

Talk to the maintainers without messing with bug severity, you may
learn something.


Neil Williams

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