On Sat, May 11, 2013 at 10:08:21PM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> This is utter bullshit and you should already know it. Systemd is much
> more reliable as a whole than any other implementation. I have yet to
> see a use case where it is not better.

It is not better if you don't want proprietary binary-format logs in
/var/log with no documented way to turn them off.  It is also
not better if you want an init that does not dump its own log messages
to LOG_KERN.  As a reasonably sane person, it had never occurred to me
to put non-kernel logs under LOG_KERN for any reason whatsoever.

For better or for worse, sysvinit provides a lot of modularity.  systemd
provides none of that modularity, and there are a lot of things it does
that I'd rather disable (or better yet, uninstall) because they're just
wrong.  When I've used upstart and sysvinit, I've never had
functionality that I wanted to disable and remove.

brian m. carlson / brian with sandals: Houston, Texas, US
+1 832 623 2791 | http://www.crustytoothpaste.net/~bmc | My opinion only
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