Jonathan Dowland <jmtd <at>> writes:

> I think you are totally out of order, here. You could equally be
> of having your judgement clouded by your involvement with MirOS. That

I admit being biased for that very reason. And that’s also the reason
I try to push for freedom of choice, instead of for a change of the default.

> be just as absurd. Steve has been contributing to Debian much longer than
> you, or I have, or Ubuntu has existed.

Okay, I accept this.

Vorlon writes:

> A minimum demonstration of competence on the
> part of anyone proposing to change the shell again is to fix those RC bugs
> without introducing new ones.

The problem here is communication. If you read the bug logs and, IIRC,
mailing list maybe too, from that time, and ask Goswin how we tried to
get a solution working during DebČevapćičiConf, you’ll find I tried
precisely that. The dash maintainer agreed to try out the plan, but
the bash maintainer IIRC never replied, and we suffered (and probably
still do) from a shortage of people understanding debconf, diversions
and other involved magic. So, please do not accuse me of not trying
to fix that situation – yet there’s only ever so much a sole DD and
a nōn-DD can do (why _is_ Goswin on hold, anyway?).

Helmut writes:

> Did you talk to the initramfs maintainers

I did not do that yet. As you can see, it’s hard enough to get taken
seriously in the first place (see also #532324 which, by the way, I
got told by several other DDs after the CTTE non-ruling that they agree
with me).

As for your requests of data: I do not provide them. As I said above,
I’m pushing for freedom of choice, not switching the default; of course
I’d be happy with the latter, even more so actually, but it must be a
thing not driven by me; if there’s enough other people (especially DDs)
interested in actually doing that it has potential to get taken a bit
seriously at all; if I’m involved, all bets are off (especially now, I

> Using the diversion mechanism to change /bin/sh is highly risky and was
> never supported.

Actually, dash uses a diversion too, so it was supported pretty well.

As for “breaking sid”: Yes please. The current diversion that’s already
in place prevents another diversion being set, so the only way for squeeze
and up for an admin to change their local system shell is to run
sudo ln -sf mksh-static /bin/sh (and one for sh.1.gz manpage) and reapply
that occasionally after upgrades (of dash only, from what I can gather).

And with that, here comes Vorlon again. I see you have facts about the
history for me; these are welcome.

I think that’s my karma quota for the day; have a nice evening everyone!


ObCAPTCHA: earthward (I think Wouter’s sig quote was added automatically,
but GMane offering this one to me now is just funny.)

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