Vincent Cheng <> writes:

> On Fri, Jul 19, 2013 at 9:35 AM, John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
> <> wrote:
>> On 07/19/2013 06:12 PM, Mathieu Parent wrote:
>>> As the recommended way to install systemd is using init= and not
>>> installing systemd-sysv, maybe the popcon "vote" count is the correct
>>> metric?
>> Plus, systemd isn't pulled in by anything else which means when it's
>> there it's there because it was actively installed. I don't think it
>> magically lands onto a user's hard disk or someone installs it just
>> in order to not use it actually.
> On the contrary, in experimental, gnome-shell depends on
> gnome-settings-daemon, which in turn depends on systemd. I wouldn't be
> surprised if this is one of the reasons sid still has version 3.4 of
> the shell, rather than the latest upstream version (3.8).
> If/when gnome-shell 3.8 hits unstable and systemd gets forced on end
> users as well...I dare say that the general outcry here on
> debian-devel would make the past network-manager related threads look
> tame in comparison. I offer my deepest condolences to the gnome
> maintainers in advance (I doubt that they're looking forward to
> dealing with all this).

systemd being installed does not mean it will be used as init. The
package happens to contain a few tools the GNOME Shell needs, that is
all, to the best of my knowledge. It's a harmless dependency if you
don't use systemd, one that is only "scary" on paper.


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