On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 11:08:44AM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
> Le Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 08:38:51PM -0500, James McCoy a écrit :
> > 
> > I'm not trying to be confrontational.  I'm trying to do work towards
> > what I thought you had agreed was an amenable solution as long as
> > someone does the work.
>  …
> > I've stated from the start that I would work on a transition, but
> > without knowledge of what needs to be transitioned (which I'm assuming
> > you and Andreas have) it's not easy to do that.
> Hi James,
> I am upset to have to repeat you again and again that what needs to be
> transitionned is to move debian/upstream to debian/upstream/metadata in the 
> where we store our source packages.  No more, no less.

That wasn't clear to me in your previous messages, which is why I
presumed you were wanting someone to transition the consumers of the
file not the files themselves.  That also seems like it's unnecessary to
do immediately since the consumers should be able to handle both paths
so the files can transition over time (as happened when
upstream-metadata.yaml was renamed, which still isn't complete).

If all you're concerned about is moving the files in the repositories,
I'll gladly do that.

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