
Scott Kitterman:
> Oh.  So you think to meet the DFSG we need to provide a copy of the VCS 
> repository since the tarball isn't the preferred form of modification?

Actually, if we really want to strictly +literally interpret the DFSG,
then yes, tarballs (or the directory trees they represent) are no longer
"the preferred form of modification" when everybody uses a DVCS like git.

Upstream tarballs frequently contain generated cruft. Configure scripts,
for instance. Nobody in their right mind would modify these and nobody
removes these from upstream tarballs either.

Leave those *.min.js files in there. The effort to remove them serves no
practical purpose whatsoever, regardless of how large that effort actually
is, and is _way_ better spent in other ways to improve our packages.

-- Matthias Urlichs

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