How to reconfigure one package from another?

I want to reconfigure packages from other packages.


  * package foo-player
    + supports both JackD and PulseAudio, but only one
    + asks which method to use via debconf
  * package bar-studio-desktop
    + depends on xfce4, jackd2 and foo-player
    + conflicts against bar-office-desktop
    + postinst script asks foo-player to use JackD
  * package bar-office-desktop
    + depends on xfce4, pulseaudio and foo-player
    + conflicts against bar-studio-desktop
    + postinst script asks foo-player to use PulseAudio.

How could such postinst scripts look?

I thought debconf-set-selections + dpkg-reconfigure would work, but as 
[Petter points out] current package setting takes precedence over 
preseeded values.

Seems to me that I need to do like dpkg-reconfigure, but have my new 
preseeding value(s) take precedence over both debconf database and 
package state.

Help figuring this out is much appreciated.

 - Jonas

[Petter points out]:

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website:

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