On Tue, 2014-05-06 at 00:08 +0200, Torsten Landschoff wrote:
> Hi all,
> my development system running unstable failed to start X server after
> an dist-upgrade two days ago.
> After a bit of investigation I found out that the radeon module is not
> loaded at bootup anymore. To get the graphical login back, the
> following commands as root were needed:
>         # modprobe radeon
>         # systemctl restart kdm
> Why radeon is not loaded at boot anymore is a mystery to me. All other
> modules from /etc/modules (symlinked
> as /etc/modules-load.d/modules.conf) are active after bootup.

radeon is normally auto-loaded by udev based on seeing a PCI device with
a matching device ID.  You should not need to add its name to any
configuration file.  I don't understand why you would put it
in /etc/modules in the first place.

Perhaps you have blacklisted radeon (for udev auto-loading) in some
other module configuration file?


Ben Hutchings
The obvious mathematical breakthrough [to break modern encryption] would be
development of an easy way to factor large prime numbers. - Bill Gates

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