I will add that for a distribution that claims to be about it's users,
the systemd attitude of "We're *going* to use systemd so 'suck it up
Buttercup' really stinks at a social level.

Not to mention, as many have pointed out, transition to systemd is *not*
going to be painless and without problems, in fact far from it.

This is going to worse than the pulseaudio and network manager ages of
brokeness being forced on users before the systems are truly ready for
full deployment.

Network Manager is just now, years later, getting bridge support, and it
is still under heavy development because a lot of the time it doesn't
work correctly.

Do we really need yet another pushed-before-ready-for-production
'solution' that drives people away from the Linux?

The reason I chose Debain over Ubuntu was that Ubuntu had (don't know
about nowadays) a tendency to force things onto their users before they
were properly and Debian at least took a more 'slow-and-steady' approach
to improvements, and resisted upstart because it wasn't ready.

Why is systemd is suddenly so differnt?

I'm really not sure there are any sane distributions left at this point
in the F/LOSS world.



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