
I really do NOT want to start a flame war, I know that you guys are tired
about this "init" subject appearing over and over... But, my turn...    :-P

*First things first: Why I'm with Debian / Ubuntu?*

A.: Because *I like the work of Debian Maintainers* (you guys and gals,
sirs and madams), about how Debian *compiles and packages* *every single
piece of open source software out there* (i.e., its `configure ; make ;
make install` from `debian/rules`, I love it).

I really don't care that much about what init system I have (I'm using
upstart and sysvinit these days, never used systemd - it IS too unstable (I
tried it without success, lots of bugs popped everywhere when with
systemd), invasive and dangerous to our comunity project (a.k.a. Debian))...

But please, guys, DO NOT LOSE "*DEBIAN COMPILATION*"!!

I mean, when I read that infamous guy, Poettering, talking about things
like this:

It creeps the hell outta me! Specially this:

"...This greatly simplifies application installation, as there's no
dependency hell..." - Poettring.

So, this guy uses a RPM-based distro, called RedHat/CentOS/Fedora, right?!
I feel sorry for him... Poor guy...

Only that crap-distro(s) have a "dependency hell", not our shiny Debian. I
don't know what that guy is talking about, honestly (well, no, I know -
rpm+yum sucks).   =P

Anyway, I see that there is room for improvements on software installing
and updating (binary diffs, cow and etc?) but, wait, systemd instead of
dpkg/apt?! I thought this thing was supposed to replace ONLY the init
system, nothing more, neither udev (already engulfed)...

So, is systemd even trying to replace dpkg+apt too? Come guys... For real?!

*Please, do not let this to happen here! Do not lose "Debian Compilation",
and packaging, do not lose "[dpkg / apt] / debian/rules", for systemd!*

*Also, do not lose `dpkg-buildpackage` for "systemd-buildpackage"!!*

This systemd thing *has already gone too far*. Keep systemd at its bare
minimum level... Do not let it take over the whole distro.

Honestly, I don't fear systemd itself, or binary logs... I fear things like

Linux Kernel Developers Fed Up With Ridiculous Bugs In Systemd:

Linux systemd dev says open source is 'SICK', kernel community 'awful':

So, lets move on over this systemd thing, *keep it at its bare minimum

I'm fine with a new init system, our current state of technology allows us
to do that, something like systemd (I like its ideas, but don't like its
"Mr. Knowitall" implementation, *it looks really ugly and bloated*),
nevertheless, I'll try it later, maybe on 2016~2020, if it proves itself
really stable (i.e., a nonissue in the near future) AND upstream developers
change their attitude / behavior on bug handling, etc...

Please guys, don't take me wrong (no flame wars okay?!)... I'm just
concerned about the preservation of our amazing Linux/kFreeBSD distro!
Keeping `sysvinit-core` in Debian 8 (9, 10...) *at a reliable level* *is a
wise thing to do*. Just in case... (I don't trust RedHat neither the

So! Let the men write their own init scripts powered by `sysvinit-core` for
a long time ahead! Don't throw this away! Also, keep kfreebsd flavor for
how long as possible (*without systemd things*, of course)! On Linux, it is
fine to have systemd installed and around (like systemd-udev, logind0 and
etc) but, sysvinit is important (even upstart is), do not lose it...

BTW, *during Debian 8 installation, please, provide a (d-i, tasksel,
alternatives, whatever) interface for selecting the initsystem*, *this is
important!* I know that it seems pretty easy to just run "apt-get install
sysvinit-core" (or preseed it) (to get rid of systemd as init) after the
installation but, if that [initsystem selection] option appear (during the
installation), *this will make Debian even stronger*, as the only distro
that provides, at least, two (sysvinit|systemd) reliable init systems. *How
cool is that?!*

Also, without an interface for selecting an init system on Jessie, *the
popularity contest becomes unfair*.

Honestly, I would like to wake up from this systemd nightmare.

I'm seeing that there is demand for a brand new Linux distribution, that
will sit right in the middle of Debian and Slackware... Something like a
Debian fork without DBus, systemd and PAM, but still with dpkg/apt "d-i"
and lots of packages. Lets do it?! Lets fork Debian and remove systemd,
dbus and pam out from it?! The fork `uselessd` (or a new udev) becomes more
and more a necessity.

Just for the record, today is the first day that I tested systemd, then,
systemd-journal consumed 100% of my CPU (plus rsyslog), something related
to GPM and, "ecryptfs" does not umount my home dir anymore, after logout...
Is it a systemd problem? How can I know? It is very hard to locate the bugs
with systemd sitting in the middle of everything... I'm sure (more feelings
than anything else, I know) that systemd is the wrong path to follow. For
the sake of safety, we need `sysvinit-core` (and upstart) for at least,

*We need to keep `sysvinit-core` in Debian*, *no matter what*, even with
systemd around (as systemd-udev|logind)!

Who am I? I'm this guy drinking a *Caipirinha* (and beer) with Linus and


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