[ not sure what's the point of CCing debian-devel, but I kept it. I removed Ian
from the chain though, since he hasn't been much involved with curl lately ]

On sab, nov 29, 2014 at 01:10:20 +0100, Peter Palfrader wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently started to move parts of debian.org's infrastructure to jessie.  I
> noticed a regression with software using curl to do https with certificate
> verification.
> On wheezy, this works:
> | weasel@mipsel-manda-01:~$ cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/puppet-https-buildd
> | Acquire::https::buildd.debian.org::CaInfo 
> "/etc/ssl/servicecerts/buildd.debian.org.crt";
> | weasel@mipsel-manda-01:~$ tail -n1 
> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buildd.debian.org.list
> | deb     https://buildd.debian.org/apt/  wheezy  main
> I.e., I can use a local copy of the expected end-entity certificate to
> authenticate a https server.
> On jessie this no longer works:
> } Err https://buildd.debian.org wheezy/main mipsel Packages
> }   server certificate verification failed. CAfile: 
> /etc/ssl/servicecerts/buildd.debian.org.crt CRLfile: none

I assume that this is using apt-transport-https, which in turn uses

> Is this intentional, or is that a bug in either gnutls, curl, or the software
> using these libraries?

AFAICT this is due to the gnutls26 -> gnutls28 switch. Using libgnutls-dev to
build curl instead of libgnutls28-dev makes it possible to point CURLOPT_CAINFO
to a single leaf certificate and have the verification succeed.

FWIW the current behaviour is the same with openssl. I don't know if there's a
reason for it though.


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