Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton <> writes:

> On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 11:42 AM, Christian Seiler <> wrote:
>> Am 16.02.2015 um 02:54 schrieb Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton:
>> It's funny that when Wheezy (not Jessie!) came out, nobody complained
>> that libsystemd-login0 (which is now part of libsystemd0) was as a
>> dependency of dbus, so it is probably already installed on most desktop
>> systems running current Debian stable.
>  i'll hazard a guess that it's because they had no idea that, in the
> very near future, all the major desktop developers and all the major
> distros would make the unilateral decision to hard-code the
> *exclusive* use of systemd (or parts of it).

Really? Now why would such a disparate group of programmers want to use
a particular piece of software? Maybe because it solves some of their
problems and they don't have to reinvent the wheel?

You don't hear me whining that almost all C++ software these days pulls
in libboost.
>  my assessment is that it's that total lack of choice that is causing
> people to get so upset.

Funny, I don't see those same people upset that they have only one
choice for authentication (PAM). Or that selinux is installed by default
on almost all distros.

And you have a choice: stick with old software, or (help) code a
replacement yourself. That has always been the Free Software way.

But dictatorially coming in and demanding that volunteers join you in
riding your hobby horse? Please leave.


"We will need a longer wall when the revolution comes."
    --- AJS, quoting an uncertain source.

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