On Friday, August 14 2015, Andres Salomon wrote:

>> Your work was done back in June, so if you prefer I can provide
>> patches against your branch to implement/fix the issues I have been
>> working on. It won't really matter much, I think: in the end, we'll
>> have to use the "official" repository anyway and patch it.
> That would be highly preferred, simply for reviewing purposes.  I'm
> also happy to rewrite parts of my history to, for example, not include
> the -O--buildsystem stuff.  But the existing git history is useful, and
> I'd rather work from that.

OK, I've done it:


It's the same link, but the repository is a new one, based on the
official repository.

I tried to make my commits more granular, but there's a limit for that.
The first commit is the biggest one, but they should all be
self-explanatory (along with their commit messages).

The package builds successfully here, without any lintian warnings (I've
had to silence a bunch of them; I'll contact the lintian maintainers
later to do a case-by-case analysis).  I have also renamed some stuff,
like the conf/*.h files, and deleted others.

Comments are welcome, of course.


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