Vincent Bernat <> writes:

>  ❦ 25 août 2015 22:46 +0100, Steve McIntyre <> :
>>>Notably, one of the tool is Grunt and its myriad of plugins. Even if
>>>Grunt was in Debian, we would also need Gulp, then Broccoli, because in
>>>Javascript, there is always someone thinking that it should be possible
>>>to do better. We need to leave the Javascript ecosystem mature a bit
>>>more but in the meantime, a bit of tolerance would be appreciated for
>>>the some of us needing to package some javascript bits.
>> Why should we be tolerating setups where it's not clear that we can
>> reproduce what's being shipped?
> We have done that for years for autoconf stuff.

I believe that has proven many times to be a terrible idea, and it still
causes frustration and may cause security problems when the generated
code contains a bug (recall the automake chmod bug?).  Many packages now
use dh --with autoreconf as a result.

I don't think using the autoconf mess in Debian is a good excuse to make
the same mistake with JavaScript.


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