On Sat, 26 Sep 2015, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:

> > How does failing the upgrade solve anything?  The upgrade should only
> > fail if the failure of the service to start was because something in the
> > upgrade itself was broken; this is rarely the case.
> I think it solves the problem of notifying the user that something
> went wrong quite clearly. Not in the correct way, I agree with that,

It also makes recovering from the errror absolutely unfriendly.
Imagine an update in a dist-upgrade across releases fail (I had
that recently with udev because one system was still running the
squeeze kernel and I failed to check before; this one was rather
easy to fix actually, compared to others I’ve seen over time).
dpkg is the first step, then apt, but apt-get -f install often
wants to remove stuff you’d rather keep, and you can’t continue
the earlier running dist-upgrade, and you must not reboot before
this is resolved either, etc.

No, package installations must not fail simply because a service
failed to start or restart, with possibly (VERY) few exceptions
that ought to be discussed on d-devel before being implemented
(the udev one is actually a good one as it prevents major damage
by making the system unbootable).

On that note, “apt redo” would be cool to have for such cases…
a mode to use when the last action failed, to retry it, without
even needing to re-resolve dependencies and all… (yeah not going
to be able to write the code, so not privileged to wish for it).

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