
in response to bug#752134 I implemented a little sha256sums $(find|grep)
logic to create a file "extrafiles" in the top level of our mirror tree.

The intention is to list all files that, unlike Packages and their
files, aren't otherwise verifyable via existing signatures already.
This appears in all our public archives, that is, main archive,
debian-debug as well as the old backports archive for squeeze.

I hope I catch all files, improvements always welcome, the logic is in
dak[1], file dinstall.functions, function "signotherfiles". The important
part is:

sha256sum $(find * -type f | egrep -v 

[1] Clone from https://ftp-master.debian.org/git/dak.git/

bye, Joerg
<liw> we have release cycles, that's why it takes so long to get a
release out; if we had release race cars, things would go a lot faster

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