> On Mon, Jan 04, 2016 at 12:02:00PM +0100, Tobias Frost wrote:
>> we are currently planning to start the transition of libpng.
> Is there a repository with packages rebuilt against libpng16?  Some
> dependency chains are massive, such as the gtk/gdk/... which makes
> testing fixes not possible without large amounts of work.

I just setup one, manually feeded from my pbuilder's output directory.

I only pushed a few packages, all of them rebuilt against libpng16. Basically
all with lib, gtk and cairo in the source-package name.
Let me know if you miss any package, I'll add it on request.

It should work with:

deb http://libpng.sviech.de/libpng16 sid main

I generated a dedicated signing key for the archive, the pubkey is here.
They key is signed with my Debian key; it is NOT published to any keyserver
(and please do not so)


$ gpg --fingerprint
pub   4096R/93989C3F 2016-01-12 [expires: 2017-01-11]
      Key fingerprint = 4F0C 1B12 77F4 C66A 2416  2160 8FAB E7B0 9398 9C3F
uid                  Tobias Frost (libpng 1.6 transition archive signing key)
sub   4096R/891A417C 2016-01-12 [expires: 2017-01-11]


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