On Thu, 2016-05-26 at 12:15 -0800, Britton Kerin wrote:
> On Thu, May 26, 2016 at 4:35 AM, Andrew Shadura <and...@shadura.me>
> wrote:
> > There's no need in any of this, ifupdown already supports this mode
> > without anything apart from wpa-conf.
> > 
> > See /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.Debian.gz for more detals.

It does say that.  Maybe on Debian stable it even works.  However on my
laptop something was starting wpa_supplicant as a service at boot, and
I had to stop it in order to make it work from ifupdown.

> Ok, this approach does work if rfkill is added to the equation.  I
> tried it originally and it didn't seem to.  The problem is that my
> card boots up with rfkill activated, and ifup doesn't seem to know
> about this and reacts strangely.

I had the same problem on a machine running hostapd.  I thought it was
very odd the system booted with rfkill softly enabled.  Unlike you I
didn't believe the card or the driver would do something so daft, so I
went hunting for the culprit.  It turned out NetworkManager soft
turning rfkill on at boot, even though the interface was listed in
/etc/network/interfaces.  The ifupdown stanza for that interface is now
(somewhat elided):

    auto wlan0
    iface wlan0 inet manual
            pre-up          nmcli radio wifi off || :
            pre-up          rfkill unblock wifi || :
            hostapd         /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf

Both the nmcli and rfkill lines are absolutely required, and this is on
Jessie.  They may only be two extra lines, but it took me hours to
chase down what was happening so I could get hostapd running and while
giving the user pretty GUI interface for the other networks.

Given the NetworkManager.conf is as appears below, it seems to be
happing despite what the doco says.  It is this sort of crap that gives
these GUI interfaces a bad name among sysadmins.



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