Adam Borowski:

Hmm... 1 out of 11ยน implementing italics plus one doing some other thing doesn't strike me as a "wide" range.

I didn't bother to test terminals I don't have installed at the moment but the above sample shouldn't be much off.

Aside from the tests in your list that you somehow got wrong, as M. Thibault has already pointed out, you've actually managed to carefully pick some of the very terminal emulators (the terminal emulator programs in the Linux, FreeBSD, and OpenBSD kernels) that the nosh user-space virtual terminal system is aimed at replacing, with full ECMA-48 attribute support being one of the very features that it has in comparison to them. So yes, you've got quite a skewed sample there and it is rather off.

Just some of the terminals that handle control sequences for italics that you did not pick: iTerm2, fbpad, the Tandem TA6530, tilda, yakuake, Kermit 95, sakura, GNU Hurd console server, termite, Suckless simpleterm, terminix, ZOC, pantheon-terminal, IRIX xwsh, InnerSystem's TelStar, UnixSpace Terminal, fbterm, konsole, Rebex .NET terminal emulator, HyperTerm, ...

Coming soon: guake (, Terminator (

(ZOC -> UnixSpace Terminal -> fbpad -> Suckless simpleterm -> yakuake -> sakura -> Rebex -> HyperTerm ->

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