Wouter Verhelst writes ("Re: Proposed documentation, please comment! [was Re: 
Bug#838919: debian-installer: please calculate swap parition according to max 
> On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 01:41:11PM +0200, Bart Schouten wrote:
> > I don't think Debian is for lay users
> Why?

Personally, I think Debian is trying to be for everyone.  That
includes lay users and experts; people who want to set up one machine
and people who want to deploy millions; people who want to the default
install with no fuss and people who want to rebuild everything; people
who like emacs and people who like vi; etc.

Of course we pay a price for that: sometimes there are rough edges.
Some other distros smooth the path for their target audience, at the
cost of making things very difficult for those who outside the target
audience.  We usually choose not to do that.  That makes us a good
upstream for deriving from; lets all of us collaborate on our
different goals; gives us flexibility if we should change our mind;
and so on.  But there is a price of course.

A lay user may find Debian is best used if they have someone nearby
who can help them sort out any problems.  We can hope that the are
minor and we try to remove, where possible, barriers to fixing them.


Ian Jackson <ijack...@chiark.greenend.org.uk>   These opinions are my own.

If I emailed you from an address @fyvzl.net or @evade.org.uk, that is
a private address which bypasses my fierce spamfilter.

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