On Fri, Nov 11, 2016 at 7:32 AM, Christoph Biedl wrote:

> implies "src:foo" must build on *all* architectures

In general, Debian does not define the build architecture for any
package, no matter what the Architecture of the package is.

In practice, arch:all packages must build on either amd64 (arch:all
buildds run that), or an architecture developers are able to build the
package from.

In practice, arch:any packages must build on one of the Debian/ports
arches (for the arch:any buildds), or on an architecture developers
are able to cross-build the package from.

Generally, we much prefer to have builds happen on the buildds than on
developer machines though.

We currently do not have any cross-building buildds AFAIK, although
there is the rebootstrap stuff.


Obviously, it would be great if we could build arch:all packages on
any arch, native build on any arch and cross-build from any arch to
any other arch, but the world isn't an ideal place and neither is

IIRC there are mechanisms on the buildds to deal with arch:any builds
that don't work on some architectures.



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