Hi Daniel,

On 19-12-16 09:30, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> - For those JavaScript libs that have complicated build systems that are
> not (yet) supported on Debian, is it reasonable for a package like
> homer-ui to simply include the intermediate product of the build, just
> before it is minified, into the Debian source package?  This may not be
> the "preferred form of modification", but it is not difficult to make
> modifications to it.

The ftp-masters have been very clear on this¹.

> - The FTP masters have also expressed concern about the standalone
> packaging of very small[3] JavaScript dependencies.  Is that still the
> same for stretch and beyond?

And have accepted that having these small packages is the price that has
to be paid for their firm statement.

¹ https://lists.debian.org/debian-ctte/2016/10/msg00066.html

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