On Tue, 2017-01-03 at 18:37 -0800, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Even if we never used tarballs, and instead our unit of operation was
> the upstream Git repository plus Debian branches, I would maintain a
> rebased branch of Debian changes to upstream

This is not a novel requirement.  Most projects I've worked with insist
you rebase your patches.  This is not new.  Before git they insisted
your patches applied cleanly - which amounts to the same thing. 
Breaking up large patches into a series of smaller independent patches
each with a simple and documented purpose isn't an unusual requirement

To me this is just the software engineering 101 rule "break just large
software projects into smaller, easily understood and documented
modules" applied to change control.  The reason is identical - it's so
someone coming along behind you can easily understand what you have
done and why.   For those of us at a certain age, that someone else
coming along behind might be ourselves a few months later.

Whether it's mandatory seems to depend on how big the team is.  A large
DD team packaging who submits patches upstream to large project will
find it unavoidable.  (The Debian kernel currently carries 400 patches,
totalling 50K lines.  Managing that as a single lump would be
impossible.)  On the other hand a one person team who doesn't
contribute upstream could reasonably say it's pointless.  I know most
Debian packages are a one horse affair, but I am still surprised by the
number of DD's here claiming this software 101 process is _always_

Source format "3.0 (quilt)" is a straightforward way of storing a
series of small documented patches.  This is in contrast to quilt(1)
the program, which is a way maintaining those patches.  I'm not fond of
quilt(1) as I regularly manage to get myself into states I can only get
out of using "rm -r; dpkg-source -x ...; reapply work done so far".

The kernel uses git as a better quilt (both are spin-offs from  the
kernel).  Gits adds some new tricks.  It doesn't get into impossible to
recover from states (yeh!).   The history it keeps allows it compare
and merge change sets - something that has to be done manually with
quilt.  That history also provides some extra features like git bisect,
and the ability to trace copyright - but they aren't so important.

What is important is git as it is used by the kernel devs still
produces small, rebased, documented patches.  If it didn't I doubt the
kernel would be using it.  The central issue here appears to be that
none of the proposed ways of using git within Debian help with that
task.  Debian packages that do use git and have patches don't use git
to generate the patches.  Eg, the kernel team appears[0] to use
quilt(!) to maintain its patch series, even though they use git too. 
If you are using quilt anyway because you like small documented
patches, but you are a one horse team and so aren't concerned about
parallel work flows a reasonable question is: why use git at all?

[0] I'm not on the kernel team, so I can't be sure about them using
    quilt.  I guess they do because their debian/bin/test-patches tool
    does use quilt.

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