Simon McVittie writes ("Re: changelog practice, unfinalised vs UNRELEASED vs 
> If I'm understanding correctly, your motivation to do so is that you
> have a strong belief that building a Debian source package with `debuild`
> or similar, directly from a VCS checkout, should always work and should
> always produce results that could be considered correct (in terms of not
> having the version number of a prior version, not having the version
> number of a future version either, not claiming to have been released
> by a person who did not in fact release it, and so on).

I wouldn't say I have a "strong belief" in these notions.  I mean, I
do broadly agree with them.

I think it is much more tolerable to have build reuse the version
number of an actually-uploaded previous version.  This is because in
that case the uploaded version is still available via the archive.  So
confusion is less likely.  But I still don't think it's very

> Broadly, the two extremes of workflows for Debian packages' changelogs
> maintained in git seem to be:
> * Write the changelog as you go along: [...]
> * Write the changelog later: each commit just has a commit message
>   in a normal git way, and its debian/changelog is out of date. [...]
> * Mostly write the changelog later, as in the second model.
>   Periodically summarize the changelog so far [...]

Contrary to what Ben seems to have read into my message, I don't have
an opinion about this.  I use all three of these workflows on
different occasions.  I don't understand why you and Ben see a
connection between my suggestions and the choice between these

> While as an abstract model I agree that the uploader name and date
> are not meaningful in an unreleased version, I can't help thinking
> that this is a "boil the ocean" sort of change - a lot of tools follow
> and require Policy syntax, in which the uploader name and date are
> non-optional.

Policy can be changed.  Obviously what I am proposing should be
written in policy.

> Allowing and ignoring an arbitrary and non-meaningful uploader and date,
> or possibly establishing a convention like Unreleased <nobody@localhost>
> for the unreleased uploader, seems more pragmatic.

I don't understand why it is better to have dummy (or wrong) data than
no data.  Of course there will be a bit of work to update our tools
but there is a fairly limited set of them and the changes are not

> Our experience with this script and workflow has mostly been very positive,
> and I intend to integrate similar functionality into Vectis[2] soon. The
> one thing I'm regretting is making it switch behaviour based on whether
> the current version is tagged; I think that's "too much magic", and it
> forces you to tag a version before you have built and tested it.

I confess I don't understand all of this, but I think we should agree,
as a project on some conventions about what debian/changelog would
mean if you find it in some vcs branch (or, for that matter, a tarball
or whatever someone sends you).  I definitely don't think vcs tags are
the right answer.  They are not always transported with the revision
and vcs-unaware tools cannot see them at all.

> Clearly, the down side of this approach is that it doesn't work as-is
> with debuild or similar, violating what I believe to be the axiom you're
> working from - the developer has to run a special script instead.

I think we should be aiming to reduce the need for special scripts.

I think our current practices (and tooling) are mostly a mess, and
when they are not a mess they are quite suboptimal.  If we want to
improve this, it can't be done by telling everyone to "just run this

> > Q1. Should the suite in the changelog entry be UNRELEASED,
> >     or the suite at which the vcs branch is targeted ?
> If you're trying to change common practice (being prescriptive rather than
> descriptive) *anyway*, maybe something like experimental-UNRELEASED that
> contains both, with UNRELEASED being shorthand for unstable-UNRELEASED
> (or possibly ${current development suite}-UNRELEASED in Ubuntu
> and other derivatives)?

This would be another approach.  But it is not as good as decorating
the version, because it's not usually desirable to generate binaries
with version numbers that will be reused.


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