On Mon, Mar 06, 2017 at 06:47:35PM +0100, Mehdi Dogguy wrote:
> I have gone through your page and here are my first remarks:
> - The bylaws are not in english and are not stored in a file (I see you use
>   a pad to share it). You may want to publish it on a webpage or a flat file
>   with a version or a date. Having it in english is not mandatory as some
>   countries enforce the use of local language for official documents, but
>   an english version will greatly help during the discussion.

ocf.tw said the pad needs permission to modify, and there is also a copy
in Ministry of the Interior, so maybe it can be treated as read-only.
As for version, ocf.tw will see if they can add version on top of the

We also are working on translation.

> - Links to financial reports, annual meetings, past organized events are
>   important... but explaining the process is also needed. For example:
>   * How reimbursement are handled? In which currency?

The process likes any other company. It uses invoice or receipt to
reimbursement. The currency is TWD.

>   * What is the structure of ocf.tw? And how decisions are taken?

There are five non-paid board members, one of them is chair, and several
full-time / part-time administration staffs works on different projects.
It is a 3-tier flat structure with board member, project lead, and team

ocf.tw operates in project-based. Board members find a project they are
interested in and help it. A project who needs ocf.tw help will be
managed by proposer. After approved by board meeting, ocf.tw will
provide administration help to manage assets (domain, fund, etc).
Sometimes, one board member will help to coordinate the resources.

All major decisions are discuss at the monthly meeting. Minor issues are
discussed online and will do it if no objection. It is similar to open
source community.

>   * Where and when reports are published?

The yearly reports are published in http://ocf.tw/, the following are
reports for 2015, and 2016, in Traditional Chinese:

* http://ocf.tw/report/2015/
* http://beta.ocf.tw/p/2016/

The donation report is in the following link. It is bi-monthly report
and is published in the next month (ex. Nov ~ Dec, 2016 report is
published in Jan, 2017).

* http://blog.ocf.tw/search/label/%E6%8D%90%E6%AC%BE%E5%BE%B5%E4%BF%A1

ps. As a donator, I received email for ocf 2016 report in Feb 24, 2017.

> - You can find at [2] current list of Debian Trusted Organizations. Each one
>   them has gone through the process and you can find the criteria link which
>   can be useful for inspiration or to better understand the nature of the
>   discussion that will occur.
> [2] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/Auditor/Organizations
> If you need more help, please let me know.
> Regards,
> -- 
> Mehdi

ChangZhuo Chen (陳昌倬) <czc...@debian.org>
Debian Developer (https://nm.debian.org/public/person/czchen)
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