On Sat, 01 Apr 2017 15:40:17 -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:

> Currently, I have mutt pass `--keyring /usr/share/keyrings/...` for each
> of the keyrings, so that I can verify signatures on e-mails.  It would
> be more natural to just add `keyring /usr/share/keyrings/...` to
> ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf, but when I tried this I often got errors from gpg
> trying to write to the keyrings in /usr/share/keyrings.  Is there some
> way to mark a keyring as read-only?

I'm using the keyrings from keyring.debian.org instead of the
packaged ones. That way they are up to date and I don't have the
write errors:

% crontab -l | grep debian-keyring
30 17 * * * /usr/bin/rsync -rlptDq 
"keyring.debian.org::keyrings/keyrings/*.gpg" /home/gregoa/.gnupg/debian-keyring

(copied from someone/somewhere)

% grep debian-keyring ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf 
keyring /home/gregoa/.gnupg/debian-keyring/debian-keyring.gpg
keyring /home/gregoa/.gnupg/debian-keyring/debian-maintainers.gpg
keyring /home/gregoa/.gnupg/debian-keyring/debian-nonupload.gpg
keyring /home/gregoa/.gnupg/debian-keyring/debian-role-keys.gpg
keyring /home/gregoa/.gnupg/debian-keyring/emeritus-keyring.gpg


 .''`.  https://info.comodo.priv.at/ - Debian Developer https://www.debian.org
 : :' : OpenPGP fingerprint D1E1 316E 93A7 60A8 104D  85FA BB3A 6801 8649 AA06
 `. `'  Member of VIBE!AT & SPI, fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe
   `-   NP: Status Quo: Caroline

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