Adam Borowski <> writes:

>> > dnsmasq-base: lxc
>> > * BAD: how often are you on a network without a DNS server?
>> Your question here indicates to me that you've missed the point of this
>> dependency entirely.  lxc uses the dnsmasq program (not service, hence
>> -base) for *DHCP* for containers on the container network.
> I do use lxc quite heavily, usually choosing IP addresses within config
> files but sometimes using DHCP.  And it seems to work just fine without
> dnsmasq -- thus, unless I'm missing something, it's not something that
> "would be found together [...] in all but unusual installations".

I suspect that you are bridging your containers straight onto a real
network, which is then providing the DHCP, whereas the default
arangement for naive users is to have a layer of NAT or some such (I'm
not 100% sure, because like you I never use that option either, but I'm
aware it exists).

I also suspect that if you have configured lxc as you have, dnsmasq sits
unused on the disk, which is not something to object to if it means that
people using the default setup get something that works -- which they
would not get if you had your way.

Cheers, Phil.
|)|  Philip Hands  [+44 (0)20 8530 9560]  HANDS.COM Ltd.
|(|  Hugo-Klemm-Strasse 34,   21075 Hamburg,    GERMANY

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