Am 12.12.2017 um 21:00 schrieb Mattia Rizzolo:
> On Fri, Dec 08, 2017 at 01:42:54AM +0100, Markus Koschany wrote:
>> Why don't we add all DFSG-free licenses to /usr/share/common-licenses or
>> /usr/share/free-licenses instead? It would save a lot of developer and
>> maintenance time if we could just reference those licenses on a standard
>> Debian system instead of copying them over and over again. Other people
>> came up with identical suggestions in the past and there are already bug
>> reports against debian-policy. [1] [2]
> I wanted to report that, in a similar spirit, I reported a related
> suggestion against debian-policy:
> Now, that needs a ftp-master to ACK it though.

Thanks for the hint. I intended to make a similar proposal to change
Debian Policy 12.5 in such a way that

License: [GPL-2+]

would be sufficient with copyright format 1.0 for referencing the full
license text in /usr/share/common-licenses.


|License: GPL-2+
| On Debian systems the full text of the GPL-2 can be found in
| /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2

also appears redundant to me.

I have also started to file bug reports against debian-policy and
requested to add more DFSG-licenses to /usr/share/common-licenses. For
this purpose I updated already but
there is still room for improvement. @all Please help with updating this
page in case a DFSG-license is missing.



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