On Mon, 18 Dec 2017 20:01:12 -0500, Jeremy Bicha <jbi...@ubuntu.com>
>On Mon, Dec 18, 2017 at 3:48 PM, Thomas Goirand <z...@debian.org> wrote:
>> On 12/07/2017 05:57 AM, Steve Robbins wrote:
>>> So: if I changed the boost copyright file to say "Copyright: $Dates Boost
>>> authors", would it pass ftp-master scrutiny?
>> No, I don't think so.
>> I'm not sure what the FTP master logic is, but for me, the kernel is so
>> much a high profile package, that it doesn't mater much, as we all know
>> it is free software, and authors can be easily identified. It cannot be
>> said the same thing about everything within Debian. Probably that's the
>> FTP master reasoning: they don't need to check so much for the Linux
>> kernel as they do for other less known piece of software.
>Are you saying that Boost isn't well-known?

It is significantly less well-known than the Linux kernel.

>I was forced to spend a
>few hours doing a thorough copyright file earlier this year for
>mozjs52 which is simply the JavaScript engine from Firefox 52 ESR. I
>first tried copying the Firefox 52 ESR's copyright file (removing the
>extra lines that didn't apply to this more minimal source) but it
>wasn't complete enough. (mozjs52 is essential for GNOME Shell 3.26.)

In the long run, this is going to keep big software packages from
being packaged for Debian.

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