On Mon, Apr 16, 2018 at 08:28:08AM +0800, Rolf Leggewie wrote:
} Dear fellow maintainers, dear Lucas and Athos,
> I'd like to use this opportunity to relay my experiences with Lucas
> Kanashiro (kanash...@debian.org) and Athos Ribeiro
> (athoscribe...@gmail.com). TL;DR Going purely by my "interaction" or
> rather the lack of it with them in the maintenance of gjots2, I have
> some doubts they are fit to be DD or DM.
I'm sure that doubts don't help here.

> Let me be clear, I am not calling for Lucas Kanashiro to be stripped of
> DD privileges, but I would certainly like to raise my objections if
> Athos ever attempted to become DM or DD.  And I want to make sure that
> Lucas' behaviour is documented and known in case of a repeat.
> For many years, I have maintained gjots2 and a number of other packages
> in Debian, I am DM.  Towards the end of March, totally out of the blue
> Lucas and Atheros usurped maintenance of gjots2 from me without NMU, MIA
> or any form of communication with me whatsoever.  I am very active, both
> in Debian and Ubuntu, anything but MIA.  I have a working e-mail
> account.  About a week ago I asked them to reverse their changes which
> until today hasn't happened so I went ahead and did it myself now, doing
> their clean-up work.
> They might want to argue that gjots2 was poorly maintained and hasn't
> seen an upload to unstable for years.  That still would not give them
> reason to do what they did.  In fact, I have always taken my
> responsibilities seriously.  There are good reasons there was no
> upload.  If they had bothered to check the upstream bug tracker or the
> upstream branch at
> https://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/gjots2.git they would
> have surely realized I followed upstream closely.  It was simply that I
> was never satisfied with any of the upstream releases.  I have been in
> contact with upstream about this via bug tracker and e-mail (many of
> which bounced, so progress has been slow).  Even the latest upstream
> release 3.0.2 does not work for me and thus I would not upload it to
> unstable.  Agreed, gjots2 is not in good shape but it's not because of a
> lack of effort from the Debian Maintainer.
> Lucas and Atheros hijacked my package and then failed to clean up after
> the mess they made despite being asked to do so.
> Regards
> Rolf

Facts from https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/gjots2
[2018-04-15] Accepted gjots2 2.4.1-4 (source all) into unstable (Rolf Leggewie)
[2018-03-24] Accepted gjots2 2.4.1-3 (source all) into unstable (Athos Ribeiro) 
(signed by: Lucas Kanashiro)
[2017-10-24] gjots2 REMOVED from testing (Debian testing watch)
[2014-03-04] gjots2 2.4.1-2 MIGRATED to testing (Debian testing watch)
[2014-02-22] Accepted gjots2 2.4.1-2 (source all) (Rolf Leggewie)
[2013-11-23] gjots2 2.4.1-1 MIGRATED to testing (Debian testing watch)
[2013-11-12] Accepted gjots2 2.4.1-1 (source all) (Rolf Leggewie)
[2013-10-27] gjots2 2.3.15-4 MIGRATED to testing (Debian testing watch) 
[2013-10-16] Accepted gjots2 2.3.15-4 (source all) (Rolf Leggewie) 

Facts from 
 gjots2 (2.4.1-3) unstable; urgency=medium
   * Remove python-gtksourceview2 and mpage from Recommends. Closes: #876571
   * Declare compliance with Debian policy 4.1.3.
   * Bump debhelper compatibility level to 11.
   * Add myself as co-maintainer.
   * Update VCS URLs to point to salsa.

Facts from 
 gjots2 (2.4.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium
   * revert the package hijack in 2.4.1-3 by
     Athos Ribeiro <athoscribe...@gmail.com>
     Lucas Kanashiro <kanash...@debian.org>
     who couldn't even be bothered to clean up after their mess
   * move VCS URIs to point to github
   * update my copyright to 2018

So we have all the ingredients for a fight:
  * several people
  * something that is important to all of them
  * different views on it

And that dispute is now on  d-devel@l.d.o. ...

What I would like to see:
  * the involved people express that gjots2 is important to them
  * the involved people talk (email) with each other
  * discussion on common goals
  * some minor acknowledge on this fight, something like "hmm, yes that wasn't 

And thing that I real would like to see
  * VCS  URI to Salsa, the logical succesor of 

Geert Stappers
Leven en laten leven

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